Tuesday, January 20, 2015

More about Five Nights at Freddy's 3

Well there has been another image that has been put on Scott's website. Again its another hint about what to expect in Five Nights at Freddy's 3. I will put the image right......about......now.
One thing I noticed about this image is that the download file name is "whatcanweuse". A lot of people for some reason think the animatronics (if you cant tell these were the new animatronics from Five Nights at Freddy's 2 and they are Toy Freddy, Toy Chica, Toy Bonnie, Mangle and BB) are going to be combined and come after you. What I think is that who ever the guard you play as in this game uses these parts to trick the other animatronics but that's just what I think. And if you brighten this picture another figure will be shown.
To me it looks like Golden Freddy (the one from the other image that was on his website) so what I can say I think that we are going to learn more about Golden Freddy and he is going to be a big thing in Five Nights at Freddy's 3. I hope we do learn more about Golden Freddy because we don't know much about him. What do you guys think? put it in the comments what you think about this. Also this is what I meant from the other photo that was on Scott's website.
Because if we brighten this image.
Kinda look similar don't they (also the file name for this image is called 'fnaf3" and I'm not lying).

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Dead Rising 3

I got Dead Rising 3 and I think that it is awesome! It kinda seems like a game I would make up because its a game about zombies (which I love killing zombies) and you get to make crazy weapons and vehicles. My favorite things about this game that it is very creative because  it's a lot different then other zombie games. One reason why is because a lot of video games make zombies start as a disease in Dead Rising if I am correct its a terrorist attack that started it. Also unlike a lot of zombie things there is a cure for it. Its called zombricks if I'm spelling it right. But that doesn't help actually. The character you play as in Dead Rising 3 you have the antidote or something like that and he is immune to zombies.

Besides that there isn't that much of a different if you don't count the weapons and vehicles. Like this \/

That my friends is the main known weapon in the game. And one of my favorites because its a simple device all you need to do is find a cement saw and a sledgehammer. Its simple but creative and deadly. There are more weapons you can build but it doesn't stop there, You can upgraded these weapons even more to make them do more damage and last longer. The game is really good but at the same time its challenging. One reason is that your timed. You have a max of 7 in game days (I don't know how long that is in real life) and when it becomes night these zombies become faster, stronger and there eyes are red. But you will be fine if you have
JAZZ HANDS! (yes that's the name of the weapon).

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Five Nights at Freddy's 3 Confirmed?

Well guys this has been a big thing for some gamers like me so I guess I will blog about it. First thing is that on Scott's Website there is a picture of a animontronic (possibly Golden Freddy) there with the text "I am still here". There as also been other text found that say "30 years later, only one"  also there has been the number '3' found in different places and at different times. Also Scott hid a secret message saying "I am taking a break for the holidays" when this was found out people started to wonder what was he taking a break from? and automatically people thought he was making Five Nights at Freddy's 3 which would make sense since that's the only game he makes now.

This image is on Scott's website. If you brighten the picture up you can see it kinda looks like Golden Freddy just a bit different. But there is one thing that is kinda weird the eyes look like human eyes.

 A lot of people think this is Phone Guys eyes since in Five Nights at Freddy's he died and was stuffed in a suit. But two things that doesn't make sense to me 1. there was already a kid stuffed into Golden Freddy as we know from Five Nights at Freddy's 2 2. how do we know that they stuffed Phone Guy in a suit. I already can hear people saying "but if they kill you they stuff you in a suit" yes i know that but think about this every time you restart time goes back words as you are on the same day and the same night and yes I know the animatronics move at different times and different places but I cant do anything about that. Another theory is that those eyes are the kids eyes that was stuffed in a suit which makes more sense because we know kids were stuffed into the suits (suit = animatronic if you are wondering). If you are woundering if I think there is going to be a Five Nights at Freddy's 3 I think there is going to be a Five Nights at Freddy's 3.