Monday, September 29, 2014


So Halloween is coming up so I might as well blog about it.Halloween is one of my favorite holidays not because of the candy (I'm not much of a candy guy) I love putting up the decorations and putting on costumes. Last year I made a John Marston (Red Dead Redemption and yes I made the costume).
This year I am going as Sniper from Team Fortress 2 (again I am going to make this costume)

The funny thing is that their hats are almost the same so that part will be easy. The hardest thing I think will be ether the patch on his shirt or the rifle holster on his back (not sure which will be harder).

Anyway Yesterday I got some small pumpkins just for decoration.  My mom and I went up into the attic and got down all of the Halloween decoration.  It tool awhile because we had to move the Christmas decorations first, because they were in the way.  My mom let me decide where to put everything, and then she fixed it. HAHA.  So this weekend coming up we are going to put up the blow ups outside.  We have four of them, a pile of pumpkins, a black cat, Scooby Doo(as a wizard) and a Bat.

Monday, September 22, 2014


I know I said in my last blog that I would blog about me riding my bike but I got something I am more happy about than that.

On YouTube there is one of my favorite Team Fortress 2 SFM ( SFM is a animation thing) called Cult of Personality by LoneWolfHBS, he/she (not sure which) makes awesome SFM's which you guys should watch. What they are about is one of the main character (which if you are wondering every character  is the classes you play as in Team Fortress 2) the Blu Medic (The further  leader of o.W.n., they don't have names they just go by their class name) was fired from the Blu team. He was fired because of the complaints of the Blu Solider who was in the mission they did that same day so he left. (And if you are wondering yes Blu is spelled like that in Team Fortress 2)  On the other team the Red Engineer is having a tough day, he got backstabbed by the Blu Spy, He got his sentry sapped by the Blu Spy and got his right hand shot of my the Blu sniper (but he did save his friend Red Pyro cause the Blu sniper was aiming at the Pyro).  Since his hand was shot off, he wasn't able to shoot his shot gun or carry his sentry, dispenser and teleporters. So he gets fired and his friend Red Pyro left with him. Than Red Engineer had some company and had a "body guard" so they went to the old hospital. While Red Engineer was trying to find ways to get his hand back, Red Pyro did his job and put 10 sentries in front of the hospital for defense.

Back to the Blu Medic, he is on his way to the old hospital (cause it is like his home). When Archimedes(who is a pigeon) came to him. Another of Blu Medic's pigeon was shot by the sentries. So the Blu medic looked in the backpack and he had and found a robot solider head.  So he wanted to see what would happen if he healed robot head and it started to work again.  So this gave medic a idea "If I had the rest of the robot I could make the robot destroy the sentries". So he got the rest of the solider robot's body and attached the head of the robot solider. So after a little trial and error they destroyed the sentries. Then they went in to find out who put them there.  When they went in one room they found Red Engineer and Red Pyro they were trying to fix Red Engineer's arm. Red Pyro saw the Blu medic and the robot solider and they both had there there guns out (Blu medic with his needle gun and the robot solider with his rocket launcher).  So as I said before the Red Pyro was "Red engineer's body guard" so he pulled out his flare gun for defense. Then Red engineer showed them his hand was shot off so he could show what they were doing there.  Then the medic put away his gun and brought out his medi-gun (what he used to make the robot work) and tried to heal the arm back. That did not work so he looked for a robotic arm he had and put that on the Red engineer, and it worked!  The next morning Red Engineer showed Blu medic the fire sheet.  The Medic got mad at Blu and Red so he asked Red engineer if they wanted to start  there own mercenary team and that how o.W.n started

That is just the first Cult of Personality video and I did add some stuff but not too much.  There is a lot in the video, too much to put here. If you are wonder why I decided to blog about this I actually join o.W.n on Steam.
  BUT! he/she will not be making any Cult of Personality or any other SFM's cause he/she will be going into the military for 2 years. You can still watch the SFM's he/she has made. And next time I will be blogging about me riding my bike.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Welcome to Sniperprozach's Thoughts \('_')/

Welcome to Sniperprozach's Thoughts, My blog is not about just one thing it will be anything I want to post.  So expect different stuff. Now a little about me, my name is Zachary and I am nice, funny and like to do this \('_')/ don't ask.  Right now I am playing a game that I'm obsessed with Team Fortress 2.  My 3 favorites are Engineer, Sniper and Pyro.

 I will post when I can and expect one each Friday. Now to a thing I want to talk about, comments, I don't want to read replies that are negative. If I see any of this, the comment will be deleted. In the up coming week I will be blogging about me riding my bike which I do every night after school.   Also if there is a idea you think I would like just put it in the comments and I might do it but don't get your hopes up.