Monday, September 29, 2014


So Halloween is coming up so I might as well blog about it.Halloween is one of my favorite holidays not because of the candy (I'm not much of a candy guy) I love putting up the decorations and putting on costumes. Last year I made a John Marston (Red Dead Redemption and yes I made the costume).
This year I am going as Sniper from Team Fortress 2 (again I am going to make this costume)

The funny thing is that their hats are almost the same so that part will be easy. The hardest thing I think will be ether the patch on his shirt or the rifle holster on his back (not sure which will be harder).

Anyway Yesterday I got some small pumpkins just for decoration.  My mom and I went up into the attic and got down all of the Halloween decoration.  It tool awhile because we had to move the Christmas decorations first, because they were in the way.  My mom let me decide where to put everything, and then she fixed it. HAHA.  So this weekend coming up we are going to put up the blow ups outside.  We have four of them, a pile of pumpkins, a black cat, Scooby Doo(as a wizard) and a Bat.


  1. I thought your costume was really cool. It was the best homemade costume ever. How long did it take you to make it.

    1. Thank you for saying my costume was really cool. It took me at least a month to make but it was worth it. Have you ever made a costume

  2. No I have not but I might make one this year.

    1. What are you planing to make and if you want any tips just ask.
