Wednesday, December 31, 2014

What I got for Christmas

I guess since we already past Christmas I will blog about what I got (and if you are wondering no I did not get this all from Santa I got some of it from family members). I got a Call of Duty; Advanced Warfare Limited Edition Xbox One, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Assassin Creed Unity, Titanfall, Halo; The Master Chef Collection, A couple of Halo Mega Bloks (and no that is how the company spells blocks),A sled, Gift Cards, Money, Afterglow Dolby 5.1 Surround Sound Wireless Headset, A extra Xbox One controller, Rechargeable things for the controllers, Tubing Passes,Some Coke-Cola stuff, Candy, Snow Pants, A toy bow, Ear buds, Movie Gift Cards. What I did on Christmas Eve is my Aunt Ann came over and gave me and my sister our presents (She usually comes over on Christmas day but she was going to do something on Christmas) Then after a while we went to my Aunt Peggy's house for her Christmas Eve party.

Then came the worst part about Christmas, Trying to sleep. I barley got any sleep at all and that's usually what happens to me on Christmas Eve night. Then on Christmas I woke up at 4 in the morning because that's what usually happens. Surprisingly my parents woke up after I was done trying to find out what I got from Santa. So then me and my sister opened our presents and saw what we got in our stockings. Then on Christmas Night my Aunt Eileen (or as I call her Weenier its a long story) her daughter Alexandra and her boyfriend Garret came over for dinner.

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